Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Back in time to 1949

I met June Dally- Watkins today, Australian 'Model of the Year' and 'Australia's Most Photographed Model of 1949', not that she is still in the same shape. She has some Personal Development School thing as well as her modeling agencies which she basically came to advertise at our school if you ask me. Either that or tell us that at the age of 15 you should act as if you are a stuck up 45 year old who tries too hard, needs to get a life and at leas pretend to not care about what other people think. I blame my school, private girls schools need to learn to let their students live a little I think. Also, I am ever so sad i didn't get any photos, anywho, enjoy these 'well mannered etiquette tips' that she handed out, haha I know I did :)

-Apparently nothing creates a negative impression faster than bad speech, grammar and diction habits. For example, using the words "yep" and "yeah" instead of good old fashioned "yes". Therefore, I must be classified a terrorist, with very bad language skills, haha.

- Never walk down the street eating or drinking, it is très much a 'bad look'

-Never have a conversation while wearing your sunglasses, use your eyes to enhance your communication skills. Yes, that means you, including my mother, remove them now !

-Don't draw attention to yourself with loud laughter or talking. I think we all have someone in mind right now...

-Don't wear T-shirts with any sort of writing on them to keep people interested in you not your shirt. I think that most of us have blown this one at least 10 times.

-Never put your feet on a seat. I wonder, does this include foot stools, because I would miss those.

-Don't ever fold your arms because it is bad for your posture and conveys negative body language. That explains my lack of friends, haha

-Don't wear false nails. I agree, they are so tacky, please stand clear of the plastic ladies (and i really hope the gentlemen do too :)

-Don't use your mobile in public, it is inconsiderate to those around you. I don't think I know one person who hasn't blown this one at one stage or another. Opps.

Also, does anyone know where to find someone to iron my skirt with more skill than this cat , I do not have the patience to iron a 200 square skirt and my mother doesn't have the appropriate eye sight, poor thing.

Nighty Night :)

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